

Tatyana V. Nikitina

Doctor of Economics, Professor
Tel .: +7 (812) 570-29-42, ext. 28-81

  • Professor of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets of SPbSUE
  • Scholar of DAAD and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Co-author of books on banking, insurance, financial markets and financial and credit institutions
  • Research interests: financial risk management, portfolio investment, financial and credit institutions

Maria Galper


Viktoriia Dembinskaite

Phone: (812) 570-29-42,  code. 28-83

  • PhD student, Department of Banks, Financial Markets and Insurance
  • PhD dissertation on topic ” Individual  Investment Decision Making” 
  • Project manager of Stock Market Learning Game 
  • Ass. director  of  the International Center for Financial Market Research  

Skalaban Maria 

  • Master of Science in Finance, PhD student, Department of Banking, financial markets and insurance
  • Research interests: investment portfolio management, financial risks, pensions, long-term investment products 

Scientific board

Dragomiretskaya Olga

  • Ph. D., Executive Vice President – Branch Manager of the Bank “Gazprombank” (JSC) in St. Petersburg
  • MBA in Banking
  • The head of the branch of Gazprombank since 2005

Prof. Dr. Raimond Maurer

  • Head of scientific board of the Centre
  • Professor of chair of Investment, Portfolio Management and Pension Finance at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
  • Author of various books and articles in international journals such as Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
  • Honorary professor at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics
  •  Research interests: Investment and portfolio management, pension finance, real estate finance, regulation of investment funds.

Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneider

  • Professor
  • Head of The Institute of savings at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
  • Federal bank adviser on legal issues
  • Honorary professor at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics
  • Research interests: consumer protection, savings products

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Faltermeier

  • Professor, former vice president of the Bavaria Savings Banks Association
  • Lawyer, accountant and auditor
  • Honorary professor at the St. Petersburg State University of Economics
  • Research interests: savings bank business, business administration

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Renker

  • University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz in cooperation with TU Technical University Dresden
  • Managing Director of Institute for Success in Small and Mid-sized Enterprises in Germany
  • Research Interests: Bank-Business Modell (configuration, innovation and change-management); Marketing and Controlling in Banking; Corporate Finance

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Koye

  • Professor at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Swiss Institute for Financial Training (SIF)
  • Director of the SIF and a specialist in Business Models of Banks & Change Management and a senior expert in banking education
  • Acted as divisional head executive education at Swiss Finance Institute; as department head for ‘Leadership & Executive Training at UBS Wealth Management and as managing director of the Zurich Wealth Forum
  • Worked as client advisor before University
  • His PhD was regarded as the break-through publication for banking strategy in the 21st century
  • Author of various publications
  • Regularly moderates Top-management-conferences

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Windhövel

  • Professor at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences, Swiss Institute for Financial Training (SIF)
  • Head of the Competence Centre “Pensions” at the SIF
  • Teaches in the area of Intercultural Management, International Management, Social Security and Insurance
  • Author of several books on pension topics as well as more than 50 articles in refereed and non-refereed journals
  • Research interests range from economical impacts of capital funded pension schemes on growth to comparisons of performance of Swiss Pension Funds

Prof. Dr. Michael Frömmel

  • Professor and head of the Finance Department at the Ghent University, Belgium
  • Program director of the Master of Banking and Finance at Ghent University
  • Author of various books and articles in international journals such as the Journal of Comparative Economics, and International Journal of Finance and Economics.
  • Research interests: international finance, foreign exchange and financial markets in transition economies.

Prof. Dr. Bernd Mühlfriedel

  • Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Landshut, Germany
  • Co-Founder and Managing partner at Augustus Consulting GmbH
  • Research interests:  entrepreneurship, management of SMEs, general business administration

Dr. Martin Bösch

  • Professor for Business Administration focusing on Corporate Finance and Capital Markets at the University of Applied Science Jena
  • Primary non-teaching activity is heading the alumni society and relationship manager for the international exchange program of the department of business administration
  • Author of various books and articles on Business administration and Finance
  • Research interests: business administration, corporate finance, capital markets

Gorulev Denis


  • Director of the Institute of Digital Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics
  • Graduated from St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance in 2001, in 2005 got Phd  in the Department of Insurance.
  • Associate Professor,  Department of Banks, Financial Markets and Insurance
  • Specialist in  risk management,  business processes, reengineering
  • Author of more than 150 scientific and educational publications, Hirsch Index = 10
  • Research interests: digital economy, risk management, insurance, financial markets, the institution of bankruptcy, sociology, non-financial motivation for work, business processes and enterprise architecture, transformation economy, innovations in education 

Grigori Feiguine

Professor at the faculty of general economic theory and history of economic science. Dr. habil., Dr.rer.publ. (Higher School of administrative sciences, Speyer). Participant of many international projects and conferences, author of more than 100 papers published in Russian, German and English.

Anna V. Repeta-Tursunova

Tel .: +7 (812) 570-29-42, ext. 28-83

  • PhD student of the Department of Banking and Financial Markets of SPbSUE
  • Co-author of books on financial markets and financial and credit institutions
  • Research interests: household savings, pensions, financial literacy, portfolio investment, financial and credit institutions

Young researchers

Marina Sakovich

  • GrottBjorn – Deputy Head of the representative office in St. Petersburg, consulting in the field of financial risk management, exchange instruments.
  • Lecturer of «Money and monetary policy», «Economics of financial markets», «Banking industry» in English
  • Research interests: financial risk management, banking, financial management

Nosenko Anna Andreevna

  • Senior lecturer, Faculty of business and economy, Astrakhan State University.
  • Director of international relations at Junior Chamber International (JCI-Astrakhan)
  • Head of Council of young scientists and specialists Ministry of Finance (Astrakhan)
  • Research interests: financial and credit institutions, financial architecture, client-oriented environment of the Bank.